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Registered organizations
KYC performed
Documents Verified
Flexibility to get the documents on your system
3,6,12 Months
Unlimited request
First 15 day free
Manage KYC end to end with full support
3,6,12 Months
Data backup, recovery
First 15 day free
Receive documents
All documents needed for KYC can be collected digitally through this portal. All users registered with the portal will be able to share any verified document with the organizations. |
Verify documents All documents shared by the users will be verified ones and can be downloaded to your system. Verify the documents to meet your requirements and ask for more if needed. |
Give Approval Approve or Reject your customer's KYC and let him know through this portal. |
Extract User Info Extract the basic information of all your engagements. This feature allows you to extact the basic info of the user without actually downloading the document. |
Don’t hestitate to ask us something. Email us directly or call us a 1800-8437-100 or +91-80-22868185 or +91-9739047849. You can checkout our FAQ section to get more information about our products.
1st Floor, 25 Grace Mansion
Infantry Road, Bangalore
Karnataka, India - 560001